We rose before the sun yesterday morning and caught a China Town bus to New York. We caught what sleep we could on the bus and arrived in Chinatown, Manhattan
at 11am After a bit of disorientation we began our walking tour. First we went to lower Manhattan and saw all the classic touristy things: ground zero, statue of liberty, the court house, Wall street, the New York Stock Exchange and the Korean and Vietnam war memorials.
Next we started the long trek to downtown Manhattan located mid island. We passed through Chinatown, had a bite to eat in Little Italy and headed on up to see the UN, 5th Ave, Central Park, Grand Central station, the Empire state building and Times Square. Then we took the subway back to Chinatown and ran to catch the 9pm bus back to Boston. We arrived at the bus depot at 1am caught a taxi back to the hotel and got to bed by 2am. Needless to say it was along day.
Now, here are the pictures:
Chinatown in Manhattan.
Me in Chinatown, we thought the sign above my head was interesting. you can't really read it, but it says "no standing allowed, except for trucks."
Caroline at Ground Zero.
The Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry. We felt no special ties to Ellis Island so we opted for the less expensive option.
The view down Wall street.
Caroline walking up the Brooklyn Bridge.
Caroline in front of the UN plaza of nations.
Me in Central Park, from here we went to see Strawberry Fields and Shakespeare Gardens.
Me in Times Square.
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