Thursday, August 30, 2007

the one and only August post.

Well, life has been crazy. I moved back to Cranbrook - "Cranberries or bust as some may put it" (They know who they are :)
I lived with some friends for 3 weeks who had no internet and since I am no longer a paper pushing junkie I no had no access to a computer with the net for a while. Defiantly a liberating experience once I realized what a junkie I really was "Death by e-mail" as another unidentified group may put it.
Then the craziness of the new job which involved an encounter between a grizzly and my dog 3 days ago.... More information to those that request it.

My new project now is to try to get some local control of local land. Why should some people have exclusive right to land and to having the life that they want simple because they have the cash to make the rest of us their "labour market"??
Seriously: what is that??

My time is not a commodity to be traded by some person that I don't even know. I just realized in the last few day (listening to the early business show on CBC) that the middle class person is regarded as simply an input into the economic well being of those better off than themselves.
Anyways, enough ranting.

I was thinking lately, upon reading Dorothy Day, that maybe I should just become an Journalist exposing the evils of today's societal norms rather than having some job that is simple a random input into something that doesn't even matter in the scheme of things and selling my time to some company for a messily $20/hr. I know that may sound like a lot to some people but really think about it: is your life really worth only $20/hr?? If it isn't then why do you work for so little. Why can't we make business work for the people instead of people being sold to corporate entities for the whole of their life (minus when they are old)??

Must go, I am in the middle of a double move. Talk to you all more in September.